The Radio Bureau is a single source for radio advertising, helping media agencies to navigate the New Zealand audio landscape.

Brand Profiles

New Zealand has more radio frequencies per capita than any other country in the world. Our diverse range of radio brands each have a band of loyal listeners, giving advertisers a unique platform to tailor stories to specific target audiences.


Information is king. In order to stay ahead of trends and plan the smartest campaigns, access to the latest facts and figures is crucial. GfK’s commercial radio surveys produce invaluable data on who is listening, to what and where.


The Outstanding Radio Creative Awards

Entries open soon!

Our latest research

Neuro 2 1

In One Ear: Radio & Memory Encoding

The Radio Bureau's new study In One Ear draws upon neuroscience to measure and illustrate the effectiveness of radio advertising on memory encoding.

TRB Neuro Study 5

Vox Pops: Does Radio Advertising Influence Purchasing Decisions?

We took to the streets of Auckland to gain a deeper understanding about the everyday radio listening habits of New Zealanders.